Welcome to the first episode of the Give A Heck Podcast! Join Dwight Heck as he shares his inspiring origin story of how he didn’t let anyone’s opinion of him or his health issues hinder him from reaching success. Dwight grew up with many health issues, was bullied, and learned to earn his own money at a very young age. He experienced working in different varieties of jobs before actually getting into the finance and insurance industry.
There were a lot of struggles in his journey, but he was resilient and allowed everything to toughen him up. And being a single-dad of five children with people constantly questioning his capabilities didn’t make it easier! Despite those difficult situations, he was able to rise to the top of the industry and become successful. In this episode, Dwight wholeheartedly welcomes you to his podcast. You will learn strategies, more about his experiences, insights, and how to live your life on purpose. Tune in, and don’t miss out on this podcast!
Connect with Dwight Heck!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/give.a.heck
Website: https://giveaheck.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dwight.heck
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLb1eEJOOv_Fv_Pitq4Oikg
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dwight-raymond-heck-65a90150