Join Dwight and his special guest, Clint Hatton, in this heartwarming and inspiring Give A Heck Podcast episode!
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Clint, author, motivational speaker, personal development and leadership coach, and founder of BigBoldBrave, shares his experience of grief and how it led him to write his book, “Big, Bold, Brave: How to Live Courageously in a Risky World.”
On this part 2 of their conversation, Clint and Dwight discuss the importance of open communication and staying connected with loved ones during grief and how specific events and places in the home can trigger distress. Clint also shares the story behind the name of his development company and his journey toward personal growth and healing. Tune in to this impactful episode and be inspired to make courageous decisions, value yourself, and never give up.
In this episode, you’ll learn about…
- Importance of communicating about grief as a family and staying connected with loved ones
- Various events and specific places in the home that can trigger grief
- Open communication includes disagreement and effort but ultimately helps in coping with grief and tragedy
- Personal growth and being open to growing together with one’s spouse are important
- Making courageous decisions and never giving up
- And so much more!
About Clint Hatton:
Clint Hatton is an author, founder of BigBoldBrave, speaker, and personal development coach. He has lived a very layered life, having gone through tough trials and suffered from hard losses, including being a former drug addict, a divorced pastor, and losing his 17-year-old son in a tragic plane crash in 2019. He is also a deliriously happy husband to his wife Amárillys and a dad to three amazing boys, Gabriel, Joel, and Liam. Clint has inspired many people to be courageous humans despite the challenges they face in life.
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*****Complete Episode Show Notes:*****
After facing tragedy, Clint Hatton and his wife must courageously confront the strong emotions, difficult conversations, and surprising personal growth that come with recalibrating the trajectory of their marriage.
“Don’t wait until you’re in a severe challenge. Start establishing some of these principles now, because if you do, and this is just a normal part of the way you communicate, then when you’re in a really dark, hard place emotionally, it’s still going to be a little bit easier to have a real intimate conversation about what’s going on.” – Clint Hatton
Clint Hatton is an author, motivational speaker, personal development and leadership coach, and the founder of Big, Bold and Brave. He is the author of Big, Bold, Brave How to Live Courageously in a Risky World, which is based on the tragedy of his son’s death in a plane crash at 17.
Clint Hatton and his wife had a strong foundation of communication in their marriage, so when they faced tragedy, they were able to lean on each other. As they went through the grieving process, they were intentional with their communication, asking how each other was doing, and giving each other grace in their emotions. As they navigated the journey together, they were aware of the anniversaries and dates that brought emotions, and they worked on their relationship goals. Through their tragedy, the couple was able to grow, becoming more aware of their relationship and the value it brought to their lives.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. How couples can strengthen their communication to prepare for tragedy or crisis.
2. What role fitness and nutrition can play in mental and emotional health.
3. How grief can cause couples to reexamine their relationships and the way they approach life.
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Chapter Summaries:
Dwight: We welcome back Clint Hatton for a second episode of Give A Heck. Clint is an author, a motivational speaker and the founder of Big, Bold and Brave. We’ll talk about the grieving process and how it affects families and individuals.
Yesterday we wrapped up the last episode talking about the family unit and how grief is something that needs to be. We’re going to continue on with that conversation before we go on to the next part of the grieving cycle and family loss.
A lot of families, when they lose a loved one, it causes a separation. How did it affect your marriage and what did you do in order to have it so it didn’t destroy your relationship. It created a stronger bond for your wife and you?
We’ve always valued communication from day one. The first year of grieving a tragedy such as we’ve suffered is the shocking off phase. One of the things that we got in the habit of that we’ve always done in our marriage, but we just had to do it much more frequently after the tragedy.
It’s not just just events that trigger grief, or it can trigger eventually. It can be triggered by things in your home. Three to four weeks out, we start feeling things a little differently. Great communication includes not always agreeing and sometimes it’s an argument.
A death like this causes people to look at everything in their life. Have difficult conversations with your wife. It gets character building, right? Absolutely. People are dirty. Maybe grieving has made you more vulnerable, more to share.
If you’re going to ask people how are you, be prepared. Be in the right six inches of your mind space. Don’t take it personal. Even if it is personal, you open the floodgate to let them share. You have to be okay with growing.
Powell: Your book is for the people that need to have that healing moment. It can be that final thing that’s going to help them over that last hurdle. There are going to be people that aren’t ready for it.
Dwight: Share about the writing process of what you went through. If you could tell me one story from the book that was most inspiring that you shared. The whole book is going to be amazing. I think it will be.
The author made a courageous decision to write a book. He brought someone in to hold him accountable. For him, clutter kills his creative process. The actual writing process really wasn’t hard for him.
Clint: A lot of people have read the book since I came out with it. It helps people in unexpected ways. You never really know how it’s going to strike somebody. Things happen for a reason. They happen for us.
Clint: I believe every human being was created to be courageous. I think the second thing I believe about every human is that we were created to have a creative genius. The last one is just I believe we are all created with the capacity to be compassionate. If our world ever needed anything, Clint says, make it happen.
Clint: Go to bigbold. Brave US. You’ll find everything about my speaking, my coaching, you’ll find the book there. I would love it if your listeners subscribe to my newsletter. It’s going to be some free coaching. Thanks so much for being on Give a Hack.